Monday, March 29, 2010

Confessions of an Unmotivated Slob.

Ever have those blurgh days? Even worse than the blah ones, and they can sometimes last for weeks, popping up when you least expect...

You feel like the reflection in the contorted fat mirror at fun parks. You know, the ones you hurry past in order to get to the thin images so you can delude yourself into feeling better.

Fitness-wise that is where I am. I have done NOTHING. Haven't even made time to skate with all the committments and socialising. But that will change later this week when the school holidays kick in. I am planning on skating at least twice in the next week, maybe more.

And I have re-arranged the games room so the treadmill is in front of the TV and I can walk and watch to relieve the boredom.

No way can I even venture into derby territory the shape I'm in. But I have managed to find some kick-arse tights, and funky leggings.

Now, onto the Lite n Easy website to peruse the menu... I am determined to find time for this somehow!


Kellyansapansa said...

I've had five months of blurgh days in a row. Only 34 days until I can get back to the gym. I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to it!

E. said...

I can't even get motivated enough to start thinking about getting fit. Damnit!

Kakka said...

Well I am still going to the pool, but this morning was so bloody cold that I actually asked myself what the hell was I doing thinking I could do this? But I have determination as never before, so sending some your way - DETERMINATION - there you go. Hope it helps xxx